Authors Needed - Requested Research Summaries
The Evidence Based Policy Brief series is a joint initiative of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Association of University Centers on Disability. Among its activities are to provide brief, but comprehensive reviews of research on topics of importance in developing and implementing well-informed public policy affecting individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. The series is designed primarily to meet the information needs of state and federal policymakers, advocates, and practitioners. Research summaries on the following topics have been requested. We are seeking researchers interested in addressing one or more of these topics.
Evidence-based Policy Topics
Deinstitutionalization implementation —
The financial implications of facility closure and community transition
State policies, program models, support strategies and system infrastructure components that are associated with successful reduction/elimination of states’ reliance on large residential facilities.
The comparative benefits in developmental outcomes associated with moving to community settings from large facilities and institutions.
The benefits (personal, programmatic, financial) of integrated employment for people with ID/ DD and/or autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Trends, characteristics and outcomes of adults with DD or Autism living in the family home.
What types of support services are most important to family members in their capacity to provide support to their family member with disabilities?
What are the barriers to receiving health care for people with ID/DD and/or autism living with families? (NCI reports they do not access health care services as often as people in group homes).
Costs and outcomes of in-home supports for adults with DD and autism living with families.
Trends, costs and outcomes of host family and companion models of community support for adults with ID/DD.
Shared living seems to be increasing as an alternative to group home living for people with DD across the country. Is this actually a trend? Where is it a significant component of service delivery? What are its benefits and limitations? What are key aspects of program development (e.g., rules, recruitment, support)?
The meaning of services to individuals with IS, DD and ASD receiving support – employment, community living, friends, transportation, etc.
Trends, characteristics, outcomes and challenges experienced by individuals and families who are actually directing/determining the services they receive.
Service outcomes: what individual, program and policy factors are associated with increases in the number of people with ID/DD in integrated employment.
What evidence exists demonstrating that general or specific models of staff training lead to —
Improved outcomes for support or service recipients.
Lower staff turnover, higher morale, lower costs.
Do state DD agency’s quality assurance programs and activities lead to improved service quality, participant satisfaction and system performance outcomes? If so, what are the characteristics of those that do?
Does participation in the NCI program lead to improvements in service quality and program responsiveness?
What are the elements of effective support coordination services? What are the skills that support coordinators need? In what ways do government financed systems or programs support and develop them?
To what extent and by what means are states including persons with autism in state developmental disabilities services programs and/or alternative autism service programs?
Is the use of restraints, aversives, and restrictive procedures necessary to manage persistent challenging behaviors? If not, what are the alternatives? How are those alternatives imbedded in policies, programs and organizations?
What services or supports result in outcomes that demonstrably improve the person’s quality of life and his or her ability to be employed, to participate in community activities and to develop personal relationships with others?
What services and supports decrease loneliness among individuals receiving support and increase their personal and social connections?
What is the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of various treatment approaches for children and youth autism.